[ENG-SPN] The Neo in Architecture: fashion or lack of imagination? / Lo Neo en Arquitectura: ¿moda o falta de imaginación?

in Photography3 months ago


Perhaps everything comes down to a simple matter of stagnation of creativity, which, during an extensive period that especially affected the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, limited Architecture to a forced conformity, based on politically traditional, detail, which, from my point of view, it contributed to numerous architects adopting, comparatively speaking, the motto of the Spanish shields before the Discovery of America -Non plus ultra-, not daring to go further and therefore, voluntarily renouncing Innovation. Hence, in a certain way, one could also speak of a retrospective vision, which, imposing itself as a fashion, invited the modern recreation of ancient models, such as the Romanesque and the Gothic, although there were architects, such as Gaudí - a reference of the Reinaxança or Catalan Renaissance - whose vision of Architecture broke molds at the time and received numerous criticisms, not being really understood at the time.


A good example of this, leaving aside its added character of homage, would be the spectacular church of Saint Michael, in Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, which, located next to the Fuentes Pila Palace and the current Town Hall, was completely remodeled , adopting, in its newest set, a whole series of varieties related to the Romanesque architecture of the 12th century, where the sculptor Somavilla recreated himself with Compostela models and a varied review of underlying sculptural details familiar in traditional Cantabrian Romanesque.


Quizás todo se reduzca a una simple cuestión de estancamiento de la creatividad, que, durante un extenso periodo que afectó especialmente al siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, limitó la Arquitectura a un obligado conformismo, basado en lo políticamente tradicional, detalle, que, bajo mi punto de vista, contribuyó a que numerosos arquitectos adoptaran, comparativamente hablando, la divisa de los escudos españoles antes del Descubrimiento de América -Non plus ultra- no atreviéndose a ir más allá y por lo tanto, renunciando voluntariamente a la Innovación. De ahí, que, en cierto modo, pudiera hablarse, también, de una visión retrospectiva, que, imponiéndose como una moda, invitaba a la recreación moderna de modelos antiguos, como el románico y el gótico, aunque hubiera arquitectos, como Gaudí -referente de la Reinaxança o Renacimiento catalán- cuya visión de la Arquitectura rompiera moldes en la época y recibiera numerosas críticas, no siendo realmente comprendida en la época.


Un buen ejemplo de esto, dejando aparte, además, su añadido carácter de homenaje, lo tendríamos en la espectacular iglesia de San Miguel, en Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, que, situada junto al Palacio de Fuentes Pila y actual Ayuntamiento, fue remodelada por completo, adoptando, en su novísimo conjunto, toda una serie de variedades afines a la arquitectura románica del siglo XII, donde el escultor Somavilla se recreó con modelos compostelanos y una variada reseña de detalles subyacentes esculturales familiares en el románico cántabro tradicional.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



The building really looks quite ancient

That's the idea: make the new look old.

The sculptures here are really nice
They are top notch and they look very good
Great job!

They are recreations of very old originals.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture
The building is actually looking Great also

Thank you for appreciating them.