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RE: Olympus Imaging – The First Victim of Coronavirus

in Photography4 years ago

Thank you for writing this post @lighteye. The title caught my eye, as I once was the proud owner of an Olympus OM-1 black body camera. It was the recommendation of my favorite teacher in junior high school, when I asked him what he recommended.

The purchase was made in the '70s. "We" had some great times together. I still have many pictures and, especially, slides taken with it. After lugging them around for years, they are all waiting for the fateful day when I have time to try to convert them to a digital format. At that time, I'll find out how well the images have been preserved through all of that time ...

Your post presents a grim future for this great camera company. I suppose, in this dark and dreary (at times) world, the old saying is "nothing lasts forever" ... 😔

Thanks again, for writing this!


You are welcome, @roleerob, thank you for your support.