Beautiful Sunday at Mothers beach

in Photography4 years ago


I grew up right behind here. It was just a sand and dirt lot then. The trees have grown really nice. I read something the other day that really caught my attention. It was that there are trees who remember you when you were young. I realised that these trees and I have grown up together.The photos make it look like a forest almost but it's only a 100 foot strip of grass and trees






Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 18 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

I have picked your post for my daily hive voting initiative, Keep it up and Hive On!!

I appreciate it very much.Thank you :)

wow.. that's lots of people at the beach.
looks like a nice weather day too.

Thank you :) The weather was wonderful 😀

you're welcome