Morning Sun on the Beach

in Photography4 years ago

Hello semuanya. Bagaimana dengan kabar Anda hari ini ? Semoga Anda selalu dalam keadaan sehat. Saya baru saja membaca postingan @uwelang mengenai Sun Thursday Contest edition 2 - read the new rules and join.


A few days ago I went to a sea beach closest to where I live. I went together with a friend using a motorcycle, we departed at around 06.00 WIB. Arriving at the beach I will see the beauty of the coast and the sea around it. I also saw some people there who were sitting on the beach along with their friends.




The morning sun on the beach is very beautiful and nice even I took a few photos on the beach. I also like being able to capture some sun photos in the morning on the beach. I am also happy to participate in this contest.

Maybe that's all I can share with you all. Hope you like it.

Follow me @rz1996