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RE: Kodak Brownie Holiday

I remember the Brownie. My parents had one. My brother and I have all the family photos from 1944 on (the year my parents were married) and a number of them are in small packets as they came from the developer. Often there are 2 or 3 photos in the packet because the developer had humans monitoring the process and they didn't print the 'ooppss' views. My parents average was about 4 of 8 developed. It's no wonder they embraced 35mm like they did...

BTW, I have a fair number of photos that resemble yours. A bit fuzzy at the edges and incredibly light sensitive.


I've got a couple/a few workable black Brownie box cameras, too, and break them out every now and then. I'm actually going to a pre-civil war army fort this weekend; that might be a great place to try it out again.