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RE: That Time I Went to Hot Springs And Didn't See a Hot Spring

in Analog (FILM) Photoglast year (edited)

Old film photos just have something in them. I guess it's the worn out colors and the scenery and buildings that may not be there anymore. And the people of course too. It's really weird I think, seeing history paused. One moment in time. Thanks for sharing uyour pre-beard holiday time with us. :)

for helping me notice that people still post in this community. I thought it was long dead, but I see now that the feed is just buried in pinned posts.

You're welcome! And I know, at first I posted like couple of posts and thought that there was just some glitch or that my content was so bad that it was not accepted to the community and just before I was willing to accept my crappyness as a photographer and thought that fine, I'll be forever crossed to the community and will never post there again, I scrolled down a bit and found my posts. :D And carried on posting after that glad that I never expressed my disappointment that am I not good enough for them. Thaaaaaat would have been fuuuuunyyyyy... Not. 😁