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RE: One Year of Cosina Flash Photos and a Sneak Peek!

in Analog (FILM) Photog2 years ago (edited)

Zenith Comet with 127 film

Googling... Oh my! That is a very fascinating looking piece! Old cameras are such a delight and although my brain knows photography was invented more than 100 years ago, it really baffles me that the technique still works. But of course it works!

Crappy cameras are the best because if I bought an old piece over... I don't know 50 or perhaps over 100 euros, I would never dare to use it because I would constantly be afraid that I would break it and you just can't go and buy a new similar from a shop nearby.


They absolutely are the best! Sometimes the results are great! Sometimes not so much, but always fun.

I agree, I think it's mind boggling that 100+ year old cameras worked then, as well as now. I think that in and of itself is a reason why I'm so fascinated with them.

And the fact that really old cameras are so simple that even I can repair them. And I don't have to worry about little dust ruining everything or parts breaking because I may not have that much clue what I'm doing when I take it apart. Fortunately the metal parts are so sturdy that even I can't break it. Or if they bend, it's all fixable. I just bend it back. Like old cars are made of metal, not plastic. And not a hint of computers in them. 😁