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RE: ¡Desafío de la Comunidad: Conozcámonos! "Es difícil encontrar El noble sendero" / Community Challenge: Let's Get to Know Each Other! "It is difficult to find The Noble Path"

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

What a fabulous post allowing us to get to know you better, @filosbonus1! The grip that the Christian ideologies has upon many nations has truly severed societal ties with nature and self exploration, as you have mentioned. It’s quite upsetting as someone who has survived the damages caused by this group think. As I was reading your post in the section about leaving the seminarian and finding the works of Great philosophers, I couldn’t help but think about the great renaissance and how Christian thought was minimalized in the resurrected face of philosophers of old. I’m glad to hear that you’ve made such great strides in self-discovery and self healing and self mastery. Thanks again for sharing your work!


Thanks to you for your kind comment and for that comparison, I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes a lot of sense.