Patience, Please

in Natural Medicine2 years ago (edited)

My business-neighbor and friend, María, has little restaurant where they serve vegetarian and vegan option food (they also have chicken and fish if you're not vegan), have loads of plants in the garden, good music, it's pet friendly and have a no waste policy, so as you can imagine I feel right at home here.

Plus she's a super amazing human.



She also has these oracle decks you can read every day or week if you wish to. They're magical messages from the fairies by Doreen Virtue Ph. D.

I'm not entirely sure how they work, but they have short and positive messages that are certainly a nice way to start the day.

I'm sure @pixiepost has one or several of these :)

I picked my very first card today.

Here it is, reminding us to practice patience :)

So I want to share it with you.

don't stress.

nurture body and mind.

220316 - Fairy Oracle.jpeg

Have an awesome week!