Benefit Of Leaves and Flowers Papaya

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Hello Dear...

Who does not know the papaya plant, this plant has many benefits, from the leaves, flowers, fruit and the tips of the stems that can be consumed.


Besides being able to be consumed as a vegetable, papaya leaves and flowers have health properties, it is said that the properties of papaya flowers and leaves can overcome malaria because of the bitter taste contained in papaya leaves and flowers.


Since ancient times, papaya leaves and flowers are used as traditional medicine and therapy. Some people experience many benefits when regularly consuming papaya leaves and flowers, including reducing menstrual pain, treating skin rashes and many others.


According this Source, Papaya leaves and flowers have the following properties:

Overcoming Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever or malaria is a disease caused by a virus caused by mosquito bites. This disease can cause platelets to drop.

Maintain Digestive Function

In papaya leaves there are fiber, nutrients and compounds that can support digestive function. One of them is papain.

Relieves Pain and Inflammation

Substances such as papain, flavonoids, and vitamin E contained in papaya leaf extract provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetics are strongly encouraged to consume papaya leaves every day.

Helps Hair Growth

Baldness can be caused by high levels of oxidative stress in the body. Eating vegetables or fruits that are high in antioxidants such as papaya can reduce the risk of premature baldness.

Prevent Cancer

Papaya leaves are believed to prevent prostate and breast cancer. The compounds in these leaves can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Maintain Healthy

Skin Not only good for health, these leaves can also beautify the body. Papaya leaves are rich in vitamin E.


So far no side effects have been found in consuming papaya leaves and flowers, so it is safe to consume every day, to get rid of the bitter taste of papaya leaves and flowers, you can soak it with salt, or boil it with a few pieces of guava leaves, you can also soak it with acid Java, and perhaps there are many other ways to get rid of the bitter taste of papaya leaves and flowers.
good luck


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