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RE: Nobody Taught Me how to Organize my Life!

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Oh, thank you so much!! Such kind words <3
Yes I'm very happy with how everything worked out, I hope it stays this way and I can make art a little while longer, I enjoy this life so much!

Just to let you know, I actually do read your posts! I really need to make more time to also comment on things again ^^ So absorbed by art and as I told in this post, not good at organizing life ^^


I hope you can enjoy this way of life a lot longer as well.
But I'm sure if for any reason at some point NFT's won't be hot anymore, you'll be creative enough to find other ways to earn with your art ;)

Haha, no worries about it, I truly know how that goes, I read so many and think I'll comment later, and forget.. it's a pain sometimes and I feel guilty, but I know one day it will go all smooth again. And I also check your art on Twitter so I'm updated either way :) lol

Yes, I will just do this as long as I can. NFT's are still not really mainstream adapted, like the whole crypto thing, so it's quite likely that it will go on for a while longer.
I'm just so happy that I really feel like being an artist now ^^ That's the biggest thing NFTs have done to me :)

Ah, I'm relieved I'm not the only one! I'm reading and want to comment later but then I forget. But I'm learning some organization skills right now and try to put everything in order ^^

Yeah, I think it will go on for a while as well. And otherwise, you've connected with so many artists already and see what kind of income streams they are generating, so it will be fine ;)

I'm also lacking those a bit lately, but things have changed a lot lately here regarding boyfriend's work as well and there's some stuff that I need to do for him (making sure the invoices / taxes etc are all in order) so soon I'll have to manage stuff with care and I bet all the rest that I'm failing to organize a bit now will go smoother then as well. As I just have no other choice :) lol