Mindful Living: Phra Mae Thoranii, Deluges & Compassion.

As dark broody skies hang literally - and figuratively - over Thailand and much of the world, some local people have started to make offerings to Phra Mae Thoranii - the Thai Earth Goddess. I saw two ladies this morning, dressed in their fine traditional Thai clothes, choosing fruit at the local market here in Baan Rim Tai to make her an offering. It seemed wrong to photograph them as we chatted... about the offerings they wanted to make to invite Her abundance to help feed their families, in a country with almost no government support. We smiled and wai'd and they chose new season red dragonfruits.

PhraMaeThoranii.jpgImage source: BuddhaWeekly.com

Phra Mae Thoranii grows out of the Vasudhara cult in Hinduism - and has grown into the Bodhivista of wealth, prosperity and abundance. Vasudhara literally means "stream of gems" which, in Thai, Burmese, and Tibetan Buddhism has come to be represented by the pouring of water. In Thai images - like the one above - Phra Mae Thoranii is wringing out the waters of compassion (and wealth, prosperity and abundance) from her hair onto the Earth.

I love the way in Thailand connection to the Earth remains the mark of wealth and abundance.

Each Buddhist ceremony always has a bowl of water present, and people believe the water soaks up the prayers of the faithful. When the prayers and mantras are finished, the water is returned, with the prayers, to Mother Earth.

PhraMaeThoranii2.jpgImage credit: timsthailand.com

It's hard not to feel the heaviness right now.

The dark broody skies over Chiang Mai have opened as I write, and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of the deluge.

CNXDeluge.jpgEarly evening view from my upstairs window - Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Today I saw friends valiantly and compassionately donating food to people, as they do day after day - to displaced people who have no work, no money and are simply waiting. Such respect for Sa Archer from Archers Bar after I saw this today! 😍 It's a different type of deluge - you can see from the sheer number of water bottles piled high how many people are already queued for their only meal of the day.

PhraMaeThoranii3.jpgKhun Sa Archer at Wat Phra Singh - again - giving, giving, giving.

It is during the deluges of all kinds that we need to be most mindful. That the waters of compassion don't always flow in a neat tidy trickle, and the WE need to be that flow of compassion for others.

In amidst seemingly endless global complaining about travel, quarantine, Covid and how tough-unfair western life is, I choose to be called to be more mindful to the compassion which surrounds me. To see the helpers and the givers. And to see what grows after the deluge passes.

ricefields behind our house

Mindful life, mindful living, is about deluges and being aware and awake to what really matters. And gently sidestepping the self-serving stuff, the sympathy seekers and the dull noise of discontent and complaint.

It is ultimately our compassion for humanity which causes the lush new growth which will feed us all. You hear and feel it best in the grateful silence when the evening rains ease to a few heavy drops, the frogs start singing again and the world is washed clean.

All images used in my posts are created and owned by myself, unless specifically sourced. If you wish to use my images or my content, please contact me.

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Loved it, Mindfullness is something we lack these days.
Most of my budhism knowledge is frok the Kim Ki-duk movies. He talks lot about these zen-budhism.

Those movies also mentions the importance of water in it, like you mentioned.

Nice that even popular culture and Kim Ki-duk give you a feeling for Buddhism. 😊 I like that. It should never be in only the realms of some paid-to-enter chi-chi yoga studio or foreign temple. It's hard to live in Asia and NOT be surrounded by, and captivated by, water.

Right now the song of the frogs is REALLY LOUD!! 🐸


enjoy the music 😄✌

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A huge hug 🤗 and a little bit of !BEER 🍻 from @amico!

Un caro abbraccio 🤗 e un po' di BEER 🍻 da @amico!

Nuotare nella birra è buono. LOL. Un abbraccio. 😍

Ahhahahahahh, riesci sempre a inventarti una frase nuova, per ravvivare i "miei" messaggi automatici: grazie, mia cara! 🤗

Hey @artemislives, here is a little bit of BEER from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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I feel your words deeply. My country too has been experiencing so much horror for so many years, and many still live under the dark cloud. I have the fortune of feeling free of the dark in my land, and I know in my cells and in my heart, that a time of great bounty is coming.

United we shall celebrate the coming of the New World, a World of greater consciousness, compassion and wonder. I'll research more Lady Phra Mae Thoranii! I myself feel profoundly connected with Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

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