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RE: Do you have repetitive thoughts that torment you? White Chestnut of Bach Flowers.¿Tiene pensamientos repetitivos que lo atormentan? Castaño Blanco de las Flores de Bach.

Oh I love this!! I'm especially appreciating it because chestnut trees grow so well on the mountains here in Thailand-Burma and I have some small trees I am cultivating!! I am planning for my older years to be surrounded by chestnut flowers while the village children enjoy better nutrition. 😊


How beautiful, I do not know your country, and I imagine that the place where you live is beautiful, as you speak, it makes me want to know it.
I personally see myself in the near future in a place where I can grow my own flowers and my own edible plants. I don't lose hope of doing it. As for the Chestnut, it is wonderful that you have the possibility of being able to cultivate it because in addition to giving us its beautiful flowers with such important energetic virtues, its leaves, stems and fruit also have many therapeutic benefits. For my part I will continue, in divine order, giving you with much love, information about the virtues of bach flowers. Your enthusiasm and desire to know is an incentive for me, which I value very much. Thank you.