Greetings to all! I hope you enjoyed reading last posts in which I wrote about lightworkers and their impact on changing and raising the awareness of our entire civilization. If you haven’t come across my last post yet, I’ll leave it here for you to read if you’re interested. Today I will write about one of the greatest minds in our history, a man who has changed a lot and who is very deserving of the world as we know it today. According to many, Nikola Tesla is the greatest genius of all time, a man who contributed to the rapid progress of human civilization and made one huge step forward. He was an unusual man, a man who was different from other people in many ways and who showed by his example how much a man is an exceptional being.


Unlike most people, Nikola Tesla led an unusual way of life. He often talked about how the body should not be overloaded, he ate twice a day and avoided all foods that cause acidity in the body. Also, he slept very briefly, he used to point out that he slept for an hour or two during the night. When he was more tired, he would sleep for 4-5 hours to recharge his batteries and continue to live and work normally. We know for sure that he kept part of his energy with his ascetic way of life, but again it remained unexplored how he managed to maintain the same level of energy until the end of his life as he did until his death. Here, I will write about some of his secrets that influenced him to stay full of strength and energy until his old age. Nikola Tesla believed that the most important thing for a person is the very beginning of life, that is acquired work habits at an early age. The state of our body and spirit in old age is a mirror of how we spent our youth. One of the secrets of Nikola Tesla is that he lived his youth without vices, from an early age he set high goals for himself and in order to reach them he had to restrain and control other passions.


One of the most important characteristics of Nikola Tesla was strict discipline, and he also mentioned that people should choose a profession according to their temperament, because that would lead to greater efficiency as well as the happiness of all humanity. Nutrition is another important thing that the genius talked about, he thought that people eat too much as well as ingest the wrong type of food and fluids. According to him, overeating was one of the major problems for humans, as well as the lack of physical activity, which affects the collection of toxins and the creation of a toxic organism. He drank a lot of water and avoided all foods that create acidity in the body, so he almost completely avoided meat as well as coffee, tea and cigarettes. He considered potatoes to be one of those foods that should be eaten daily because they are full of mineral salts. In addition, for him, exercise was part of his lifestyle, he often walked and avoided means of transportation. Also, after a long bath with warm water, he finally took a shower with cold water. He also practiced yoga, as well as practicing pranayama because he felt light when he took deep breaths. Towards the end of his life, he thought he had incredible energy because he learned how to use and keep it.


Nikola Tesla was ahead of his time in all characteristics. For many then a weirdo but at the same time a great genius. I hope you enjoyed reading about the man who changed the world. I wish you a nice and pleasant day and see you again soon.



when we study the unseen nature of reality, this is when we will learn more then we ever have.

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 3 years ago  

Tesla es uno de los científicos que más ha aportado a la humanidad, y lo hizo de forma totalmente desinteresada, simplemente por amor hacia el prójimo. Lamentablemente le quitaron la autoría de muchos de sus inventos y murió solo e indigente, siendo un genio fenomenal. Me encantó tu post.