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RE: A Healthy Gratitude/Rant Balance Over the Years - A Hive Anniversary Letter to my Followers

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

lol glad it resonated with a few peeps I have had fun here for sure and it’s helped improve my writing I just feel like it’s getting thrown into a black hole and so few people are seeing it

The engagement is cool but not all commenters are like you

Most just plaster some generic response for an upvote and have hardly read the piece! Not saying I deserve their time just saying the motivation to keep going starts to dry up


Yeah I know man I hear you. I enjoy when people read what I wrote and add some feedback on it. A lot just give the “cool post, I like crypto” type of shit. Sure bruh but read the shit and let me know why “this” coin is going to do things in the future or why you don’t like it. It’s the twitter world we are in, TLDR is obnoxious to me lol