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RE: We're Going Underground 🥡 Can We Sell Black Market Takeaway Fried Rice From Home?

Looks good. I for one personally know the quality of your food. Without you all I'd surely have starved in Kampot haha. So do you offer delivery as well? Here they have all kinds of food delivery services which are just growing and growing. Best of luck. Without trying we never know the result!

 3 years ago  

We don't offer any delivery unless it's nearby where I could do it on the bike, but we haven't even had a hit yet. Surinamers keep tight social circles, trying to support the businesses of friends and families during this crisis. We don't fit anywhere into this economic model as migrants without friends. !ENGAGE 25

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Hmm that does make it a bit tough. Maybe do one day of free food and that'll get the word out. I know the quality of your cooking!

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