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RE: What Is Sex - part I

❤️ It's beautiful to read your thoughtful comment, dear @joeyarnoldvn - and thank you for your compliment on my age - but yes, following this path out of the agenda and into Truth and Nature certainly stops our path towards that culd-de-sac of atrophy and slavery, eh - so the easier way is always towards Life, synchrony, letting go, making space, and so on... Yey, I am very glad that you get it!! About listening to the body, the intuition, the gut, the core! Cannot wait to share part II and more! :-D Blessings on your day dear friend!


I see you uploading videos to 3Speak which is good. Do you also upload videos to Rumble or Odysee or Bitchute or other alternative video platforms, apps, websites, social media, etc?

Thanks for asking dear friend, @joeyarnoldvn - mmmm, yes, I have accounts with Bitchute, Odysee and other places, but it does dissipate the energy to keep tabs of multiple accounts, and at this dynamic point in developing my online work, it feels important to ground and focus first, then to figure out the best ways to expand the presence of what I'm creating... It can be frustrating at times, with the decentralised world seeming so slow-to-build, but the rootedness is real and based in real values, so it feels right to move very slowly and just allow things to grow naturally....:-)

I agree, it is good to focus. One problem some people have is when they burn out. They work too hard. Focus on doing a good job. Focus on getting things done. Focus on what works. I can relate in trying to build something online. I've been working on that for years. I can relate with you on what you are saying on a deep level because I started building websites and things back around 2004 or in some ways before that too.

Yes. Rooted. Be rooted. Deeply. So deeply. Real values. Don't lose yourself in the mist.

Beautiful, yes 🙏🌟