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RE: Pretty Purple Garden Gifts

beautiful, you should try the romanian salate de vinete/ eggplant salad, you roast them over the bbq or in the oven till they look all burnt, then you let them sit in a pot for a bit because after they will be much easier to peel, after that you mash them (make sure to not use any metal kittchen tools) mix it with a bit of mayo fine sliced garlic and a bit of onion et voila perfekt to put on bread!


That sounds very delicious! I have a similar pate recipe somewhere that includes garlic, mayo and cottage cheese but no onion. Oh, and fresh oreganum. I confess that I'm not a fan of baba ganoush. I will give this a go.

It's definetly different from baba ganoush, if you want a smoked flavor bake the eggplants over open fire, if you wanna dig deeper its called salata de vinete you will find many delicious recipes online :)

Google is my go-to! Will check that out, thank you.

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