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RE: How to Combat White Powdery Mildew - My Garden Journal

Yikes @buckaroobaby! So sorry to hear you have those. Yes, neem oil should definitely work for that. It helps rid of aphids, mites, beetles and more.

It’s an amazing oil. You just have to figure out the amount to use that your plants can handle and diluting with water is essential. Also make sure to spray under the leaves as well to rid any pests eggs that may be hiding.

If you try it please let me know if it worked for you ;)


Thanks. I'll definitely give it a go! The aphids are mostly under the leaves or right in the centre of the plant. It's so disheartening when you put so much effort into gardens and then have bugs and plagues to contend with!

For sure ;)

I totally agree. It seems to always be something we have to contend with. Thankfully there are natural solutions to help :)