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RE: Should We Only Post About Our Happy Moments?

I agree that on most platforms the reality of life is not portrayed. Not to say happy moments aren’t real, I just think people tend to keep those on display to keep hidden/private the things that are not a pretty sight.

I don’t believe that everyone is depressed. What’s sad is how society has conditioned us through ads and television that we are failures if our lives don’t “look” perfect or if we don’t have things in order. Who ever has everything in order at all times? It’s a lie that some try to live up to but in the midst become discouraged because it’s impossible.

I am just glad to have an outlet like this where I can express myself and get things off my chest. It’s sort of a freeing time for myself. I know I don’t have to pretend I’m perfect and I won’t ever get stressed out from trying to be something I’m not. If more people would break away from these societal pressures I think we would have more “real” happy moments to view :)