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RE: Something a Little Different: Choose Your Own Posting Adventure - WIN HIVE & LOTUS TOKENS!

Well Being Quote

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are, then you will realize there is nothing lacking. And the whole world belongs to you. I cannot remember where I acquire this quote, but it stuck with me, and here is what I learn from it. There was a point in time in my life when I looked outside for everything and tried to surround myself with things and people to verify who I was, but when they all were gone, I was left to myself, alone and this is where the real character development happened Through reflection and meditation I went inside and observe some Mind expanding and heart Opening things about myself and my relationship with all living things in the environment and universe.
And that led me to right here and now.



Oh hey! Did you write a post for your entry?

Posted on

Yes that was my intentions, I'm still learning the system, I can use a little guidance.