check out the video. Also, there are new discoveries in human consciousness such as memory in DNA revealing the vast possibilities and capabilities we have, and our connection to the universe and everything in it. On that note, learning this I figure to be present and living dynamically in my purpose in everything I do, expressing my Authentic Self with love and balance to all and remembering there is power in knowledge of self. And how do I do this? West African drumming! Greetings everyone of #Gems #Hive #Naturalmedicine and #blockchain community. I am sending love and light to all who reads this blog. It looks like the world is opening back up to business as usual… so in that case, I will start a new way forward by thinking differently about everything. Considering the past events like the "insurrection at the capitol", "police brutality on people of color and any unfortunate transits person" and the "Disclosure Project, alien civilizations are here on earth", and there is serious corruption of governmental organizations and secret institutions as Dr. Steven Greer says in “The Cosmic Hoax” Part 1 “Exo-Fascism” and Part 2 “Exo-Racism” is all about manipulation of your mind with a laser focus on the widespread of psychological warfare and fear –

Here at Gladys Park, Ase Ashe Drummers from the Heart practice a guiding principle which is to “be upright and present in everything that we do, and then connect with people that's doing the same or merely thinking about the same thing this builds a quantum momentum – that’s when there is no stopping us.” Brothers Will Gordon and Bara Mboup are two of the men of several that I know that are doing this. Bara Mboup is our teacher, a seasoned professional West African drummer. He traveled around the world with his music playing with many great artists. This is where my mental health and the process of stopping the bleeding and getting healed starts. By learning the rhythms with practices and understanding the meaning and why we play the rhythms expands one’s awareness of the story that is being told through the heart of the drums which may it be for a celebration, initiation, rites of passage or a wedding. I did not have these types of cultural experiences coming up here in America. I was not taught rites of passage or initiation into manhood and understanding the connection between African Americans and Africans. Since I’ve been divinely aligned to partake in these experiences, I am present with my beloved mighty I am Presence. I am honored and pleased to sit beside and learn from you Bara Mboup. My other teacher Will Gordon is the Dundun player holding down the bottom beats keeping everything together – this brother here has a vast knowledge of rhythms and drumming combined with knowledge of maneuvering through life in a joyful communal way (thanks, Big Will!).

This is another picture of Will on the Dunduns and accompanying him is my other teacher Brother Debaq on Djembe. Brother Debaq is an excellent drummer; his timekeeping is just like a metronome; he is also a seasoned player and very dependable brother to have on the team. I enjoy the deep philosophical conversations I have with Brother Debaq (thank you!).

Refresh Spot I would like to introduce my other two younger teachers, first one is Saliou Mboup (Bara’s Son of the Sun), just like his father, he’s an awesome drummer and musician; this youngster does it all from singing and to playing the guitar – he is indeed the Fire in the group (we love you little bro!). And the legendary “Papa” Diarra Zumana (is to the right) Wow! This cat's hands are something else on the Djembe and he is also an excellent Dundun instructor; his talents took him around the world; he travels a lot and it just so happened we caught him for this event. I am honored to be building, conversing, and learning with Great and Divine Men.

Follow the rhythm
Yes indeed!