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RE: Sound & Music In Bath & Massage Parlors - Meditation & Peace of Mind

is this like... those chambers that allow you to be submerged? like hmmm what are they called... sense deprivation - right @foxon?

I've always wanted to try these hehehe but - i'm claustrophobic hehehehehe

I remember when I had to get an MRI once - and oh my gosh - the terror - i'm surprised my brain didn't light up like a lightbulb on their screens with all the fear in my head hahahahahahaha

but you konw what I love? My sauna - i'll have to do a post on it soon. but i think I might have to sell it soon too :(

i don't know. i want to keep it - but I find that I don't use it so often and its large... but its so lovely!!!

i don't know! hehehee

but one thing I do know.... when I swim - and I go under the water.. and just kinda float a bit - ohhhh that is just the lovelies feeling!!! so your post is right on!

you know what I think it takes us back to??? to being in our mother's womb - safe and sound and secure! hehehe peaceful - all our needs met - cozy and listening to her heartbeat! :)


Actually, I had nothing like that in my mind when I started working on this post but I had just visited a massage parlor in New Delhi with kind of a mysterious atmosphere. Scented candles, musical Tibetan gongs, and the works, so probably that was somewhere back on my mind and once I start writing then nothing stops me. But I know, massage and bath parlors in Thailand, Singapore, and Kerala in India are finding ways to give their customers something new every day. Thank you for such a wonderful comment!

I really love massages - but I don't like people touching me hahahahahaha

but they had this AMAZING thing in the mall...
it was this tube that you enter - and have your face out - so you don't have to feel claustrophobic hahaha
and you were surrounded by a thick tarp... so you didn't get wet
then the machine shot water all up and down you in pulses - to act as a massager that conformed to your body

but since you were under the tarp... you didn't get wet! interesting right???? hehehehe

let me see if i can find it

here is a youtube on it hahahaha

looks interesting LOL

I had something like this in my mind.

Your video also reminded me of that MRI scan I took 2 years ago for Cervical spondylosis. That was horrible, a lot of noise which no one can brand as soothing music :)

yes - that MRI was just a terrible experience
I guess now they have the open ones... so you don't feel like you're being shoved into a tube hahahaha

but you know... ever since my MRI - my metal fillings felt strange hahahahahahaha
i have a feeling they pulled on them a bit LOLOL

i got have of mine removed and turned into ceramic - but the other half is still in my mouth - one day i'll have them removed... when i'm not a chicken hahahahahahaha

oh my gosh that bath looks amazing. when i was on vacation last - i was in a bathtub that was the biggest bathtub I've ever seen. it was like... twice the length of my body ahhahahaahahahahahaha it was almost too big hahahahaha cuz i felt like i coudl drown in it ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLll

but that one looks so nice in the video... and the music is so calming hehehehei'm ready for sleep. the images are just so relaxing! i wish i could swim in that waterfall lagoon hahahahahah i wonder where it is!!!! they should tell us where! LOLOLOL

Now they use cobalt for dental fillings. You know I have two fillings with cobalt myself and was too scared as I thought MRI was not safe with any metal on the body but cobalt is safe.

We heard about an accident when someone was pulled inside the tube and was blown because he went in with an oxygen cylinder inside the MRI room while the machine was on.

You know the magnetic force of MRI machine is 60,000 stronger than the earth's magnetic field. Actually, my bathing experience was free of cost, a complimentary offer on the opening of a bath massage parlor by someone I know personally.

By the way, I have some suggestions on how to avoid sleep while meditating I posted today after reading your comment :)

I put that music on - from your video - and kept working and didn't realize why i was so calm...
it was because your video was still playing in the background hahahahahahaha

oh - i don't really sleep while meditating.
it was just after that particular workout hahahaha something about her voice just lulled me to sleep - and it was after a nice exercise so... my body just decided to sleep LOLOLOL

but I can meditate without sleeping all the time hehehehe

that accident sounds TERRIBLE - oh my gosh... how terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the metal fillings in mine??? hmmm i don't think cobalt. mercury i know! awful - that's why i got half removed from a biological dentist authorized to dispose of mercury properly.

why they EVER used mercury is beyond me - its one of the most toxic substances!!! who would ever think to put that in people's mouths?!?!?!?! its criminal! they said it was safe but it has been proven to NOT be safe.

and even when they remove it??? it can cause much more harm unless you go to a dentist that knows how to keep you safe during the removal. ugh... i swear. sometimes this world is just so criminal.

I thought that much knowing you fully well that you won't sleep during meditation but you gave me an idea for a post :).
Yes, they still use liquid mercury, and silver, tin and copper, or gold. But they should find an alternative to mercury which is harmful anyways.