The health benefit of Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon) that you need to know

Good morning my beloved family, this is ,my very first post #naturalmedicine community, I have been so blessed by the content i have been fortunate to read on this community in my last few days of engagement, Thanks to the admin and all who have chosen to make community a place to belong, God bless you all.

Today i will be sharing about the health benefit of lemongrass, also known as Cymbopogon, barbed wire grass, silky heads, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, oily heads, citronella grass or fever grass, this plant is a genus of Asian, African, Australian, and tropical island plants as can be seen in the general grass family.

In my place, its an every family plant, you will find it in front of every domestic household, and very useful at all season.


lemongrass is one of the amazing plant I got to know about in my childhood days, far back then we were not really doing English medicine as we call it, we knew this plant to be our basic medication at all seasons, I can not remember even taking Panadol or para, starting from fever, we will only drink this lemongrass tea and that will answer the basic question of how are you. We did more of it ignorantly but it was massively working for us and i tell the truth it saved us and is still saving now.

lemongrass is a flavor plant, it has citrus and lemonlike flavor, you can use it to flavor food, beverages and can as well be inhaled as aromatherapy, for various conditions, it can always make you feel good within.


Lemongrass is very rich in content and properties, amongst them are: antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antioxidant properties, this has the capacity to fight several diseases and infections.

Health Benefit Lemongrass

  • Enhances a healthy hair and skin

This may surprising to you but i want to submit to you that it does, it is rich in anti-fungal and antibacterial properties as such helps in cleansing and clearing your skin, to enhance its function, you will need to have a few drop of the Lemongrass Extract into any carrier oil and apply on the skin for efficiency and productivity.

  • Helps the digestive system

This amazing tea, over the years has been known to become the remedy stomach upset, stomach cramping and other relative digestive conditions.

A 2012 study also showed that lemongrass may also be effective against gastric ulcers. The study found that the essential oil of lemongrass leaves can help protect the stomach lining against damage from aspirin and ethanol

  • Immune system boaster

As i already said, in my introduction about the basic properties of this plant, this tea will be useful during cold and cough, it has Vitamin C and because of it antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, it can strengthen immunity. this will do so much if you boil it with some cloves, a pinch of turmeric and tea leaves, this concoction is very very effective in mucus and phlegm build-up caused by congestion.

  • Reduction in cancer risk

The plant has citral which makes it has potent anticancer abilities against cancer cell. the several components of the plant do help fight against cancer. This will happen in two ways , it may be by causing cell death or boosting your immune system, to enable the body fight off cancer on its own.

  • It has antioxidant properties

The antioxidant properties help in detoxing and as well cleansing the body from the inside, it helps in removing toxins from the body.

  • Relieves menstrual pain

Lemongrass tea is very helpful and as well considered to function better for a women’s health. It grants relief and reduces menstrual pains due to its soothing effect. But for pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is advised to avoid the plant because of the several chemical compound, because it can start the menstrual flow, so its believe to have the capacity of causing miscarriage.

  • It helps with weight loss

Amongst many functions, is the a great option for your weight loss diet plan as it helps in boosting your metabolism which makes digestion quicker and helps in burning more calories. A report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 showed that polyphenols found in natural plant compounds and the caffeine content in tea increases the use of energy and enhances the oxidation of fatty acids in the body.

How to prepare the tea

this is done by boiling it in a pot with water, allow it to boil for like 15-20 minutes, then filter it into the preferred container, you can do that both at the dry state and the fresh state, you can also dip a tea bag with the dry plant leaf and that is more easier.

This plant has been of great help to my family and i believe can also be useful to you as well. thanks for having me @ekotmordemy,


I love lemon grass. Also one of the best things to stuff inside roasted chicken.

Thanks so much, i will try that as well,

Thank you for your information. I also love lemongrass. Can't wait to try this recipe.