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RE: Family Secrets & Inherited Traumas

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

Thanks, @Lizelle. I agree, it is odd that certain events get all of the media attention. This is one way they media, and those in charge of it, shape public opinion.

It's so interesting how so many of us spend a good portion of our lives trying to figure out and heal from this kind of past trauma. My father had a very tough childhood and grew up in, quite abusive, foster care. I've seen him struggle with the consequences of that his entire life, mainly because it wasn't acceptable for males of his generation to talk about their feelings and struggles. You've talked about this stigma before too in some of your blogs. He, unconsciously, passed this down to my brother and I so we've had to work through it because he hasn't.

This has played a huge role in my promotion of meditation and mindfulness. I feel like if each person would just make the effort to work on themselves the world would heal one person at a time.