Earth-day-celebration-challenge/ Keeping to making Her a better place to stay.

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

It's Worth celebrating
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The mother earth has been nice and pleasant to it's inhabitants, that's the people, animal, plants and other living organism that happen to gind them selves in this wonderful planet.

I have not traveled to other planet to see how far those places are and what exactly do they look like. But research has made it clear that those planet can't accommodate living organism. And that's why you find it difficult or rather impossible for living being to stay and even live a normal lofe over there.

Though people still proof wrong by going out of earth to live place like the space. But it's incomparable to earth as life there is luxurious. A place where you live with the help of oxygen is terrific compare to earth where you can get for free.

Mother earth has been fair with it's ecosystem giving it's best to give the best lige style to it's children wonderful rain drop, snow, a good sunlight,oxygen to aid breathing for all living organism, it also gave food from it's fertile soil just to sustain all its inhabitants.

The of mother earth can not be overemphasized.
The mother earth has provided some natural Amenities that are greatly needed by virtually all the inhabitants in her. We don't talk of the abundant water that are reserved for our use such as Rivers, sea, lakes, oceans and even some artificial once we try to create but still the mother earth supports the creation of this waters such as ponds, Dams and etc.

Wonderful water img_0.8283031787793519.jpg

Vegetation is another natural stuff that the mother earth gives to it inhabitants which serve as relaxation centers, foods, and so many other things that can be gotten from mother earth.

Wonderful vegetation img_0.6178455153752257.jpg

The mountains and so many other things that can't be mentioned.

Not only looking at the food and air it also provide some essential resources that will aids our stay here on earth which other planet can't do examples of such resources amd their uses are:

Natural resources img_0.9236718240661204.jpg

Resources Use
Metallic. Extraction of metals
Gold ores Ornamental/jewelry
Clay For making Ceramics
Limestone. Making Cement
Iron oxides. hematite
Sand and gravel. Construction (concrete)
Fuel Nuclear energy
Gypsum. Plaster
Granite. Construction
Salt (halite) Chemicals industry
Phosphates of calcium Fertilizer for Agricultural product
Fluorite Chemicals, metallurgy

But the question says what are you doing to the environment to help mother earth.

I personally l am doing a lot within my capability to show how much i care about mother earth.
Talking of things i am doing to help the environment.

  1. I always make sure i do not sabotage the effort of mother earth of providing oxygen i do this by trying as much as possible not pollute the air. In doing that i am trying to help keep a good and conducive atmosphare for all living organism to enjoy.

  2. Maintain good soil topography to ensure good productivity of crops from mother earth. That's i try not involve in environmental degradation and i also discouraged it when ever i come across such act.

  3. Maintaining all resources and efficiently using them for the development of both human and other inhabitants of the earth. Is another thing i do to keep everything in place.

  4. Above all maintain peace as this will definitely help to maintain the shape of mother earth as dispute will lead to destructions of both humans and other inhabitants and properties belonging to mother earth, thereby making the earth not a very nice and conducive place to stay.

All these are what i try my possible best doing to ensure a good environment to stay and making mother earth blossom even more than the way she use to look.

Join the contest via natural medicine/earth-day-celebration

Beautiful nature

Thanks to @pavanjr and @holisticmom for tye creative questions. I invite @shemzy to participate in the contest. img_0.7969943607023917.jpg


I totally agree with you that love and peace make for a healthier planet. The destruction that human conflict cause also destroy the environment. It is therefore very important to find peaceful solutions as a way forward.

Thank you for you participation in the Earth Day Challenge,

Natural Medicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
Come say hi via Lotus Chat or drop by our community - we'd love to welcome you!

Posted on

 4 years ago  

I think it is a good post. Because you talk about other planets, it's the truth, we can't compare because we live in the best for us and everything we have here makes us live, breathe, etc. While some are still determined to inhabit planets and spend millions of dollars and a lot of work to be able to have the conditions on that planet, we, as children of the earth, are destroying the only home suitable for us to live. Thank you very much for this wonderful work, it is an honor to have you here.


Natural Medicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
Come say hi via Lotus Chat or drop by our community - we'd love to welcome you!

Posted on

Very important message, thank you for what you have been doing for Mother Nature and also thank you for writing this post. I am happy to support it in my latest upvote giveaway and I will try to get it some extra support from TipU tomorrow. Keep up the great work.

Thank, i really appreciate your concern.