Every body is a world

Every body is a world

Hello Naturalmedicine Community, this sentence with which I started the publication I like very much for what it says by itself, and is that it is something that is necessary to understand. For many people it is frustrating when they make some changes in their life, such as improving their diet or exercise, and they do not see the same results that they have seen in others, in that person to whom they are copying the "scheme " of diet or exercise.


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And is that, without a doubt, "Every body is a world", the response that by genetic conformation we have each of us to certain habits varies drastically, and even in identical twins there are often clear differences in terms of their organic responses, although they were born of the same woman, and their generic load is very similar, the similarities may not be present.

In general terms, any treatment, either natural or traditional medicine, must be individualized, even when someone is going to establish an exercise routine should plan depending on their physical realities, we can not just copy the training scheme of someone who already has time doing it, because most likely it will not work the same, and we could even cause some kind of injury.



The important thing in all this, is that we understand that we are unique organisms, that even when we have organically many structural similarities, at the level of organs, beyond that there is something related to the functioning, to the genes, which is part of that very primitive nature but advanced at the same time, which is what really conditions our bodily reality, therefore, to take better care of our body, it is essential to recognize ourselves as unique individuals within all this immense variety.

Thank you very much for reading my post.


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Muchas gracias por esta publicación, resulta que si, cada cuerpo es un mundo y cada cabeza es un universo. No existe ni jamás existirá una receta exacta para que logremos cuerpos saludables y mentes libres, hay muchos elementos que podemos manejar,pero no estamos sacados de un molde. Saludos!

Con el apoyo de la familia.

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