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RE: Cold Turkey and Dinos but not the Cold Turkey and Dino that my upcoming book is named after...

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)

A DeFi made with you in mind, of course just kidding. Sounds like things are on the up and up (minus the coffee withdrawals), good to hear my friend. I have been slowly building up my DeFi presence, almost 1,000 CUB-BUSD LP tokens as we speak. After this I'm hoping to build something of similar size on PancakeSwap, of which I already have 60 CAKE. It's far from enough to cover rent, but I am enjoying expanding and seeing the increased earnings. When I get my Cub DeFi and PancakeSwap to the size I want, I intend to get involved in some MATIC stuff.

Bless up from Suriname knappe man!

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