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RE: The Eeman Relaxation Circuit: could this be the simplest & most effective frequency healing device ever created?

in Natural Medicine9 months ago

About healing your feet, spraying CDS at 3000 ppm would help a lot. You could use MMS too but you’ll have to find out the proper dilution from their sources.


Thanks for the reminder with this! Really must order some...

Alternatively, what I found also helps if it is fungus: tincture of iodine, or Lugol's iodine. Kills it effectively.

Hello there! Just checking in with you to make sure everything is okay.

It has been a crazy few weeks here with birthdays and family around, but things are calming down now and I look forward to picking apples and making cider this week. Our cannabis plants are ready too which is great news. Will be making tinctures and oils from it this year. Best medicine ever :)

Nice profile banner by the way. I have a bunch of very similar photos which in my mind prove they are spraying chemicals above us. And we are the crop. The older people will confirm for us that clouds didn't do this 50 years ago.

Hey, thank you for checking in! I really appreciate it. There were quite a few up and downs lately. I am trying (and have so for years) to change my life to ways that suit me better, but things seem to be stuck, or moving extremely slowly. Or maybe not. I don't know. But I'm sure you know the frustration about these kind of things!

Just this evening I found out that inside my apartment (which sits right above the boiler room of the small residential area, six houses with maybe twenty or so apartments) the needle of my newly bought compass deviates by up to sixty degrees!!! I am shocked. And a little bit scared, since I feel stuck here. But this is one explanation for my constant lack of energy. (Likely just one of several.)

I am actually quite proud of the banner, so thank you for noticing! These are pictures I took some years ago. I know that they are spraying a ton of crap. But in this specific case I am not sure if that is the cause. Apparently this is a rare weather phenomenon (which I didn't know at the time, and I forgot the name of it), so I was lucky to catch the right moment. But maybe you are right? I will do some research and see what comes up. If it is indeed an artificial cause, the banner won't stay long, obviously.

My zucchini plants have been flowering like crazy, unfortunatly only male flowers, so no fruits this year. The tomato plants grew very nicely, but since I started the seeds late, and the shadows on my patio are growing larger every day, they didn't manage to make fruit. Also, one tomatillo plant grew together with the tomatos. Seems like I mixed up the tomato and tomatillo seeds, because I planned for three tomatillos, and only one sprouted. This one though did flower just last week, but since it needs a second one for pollination - no fruits here, neither. Darn!!
Oh well, it was the start of an experiment, and in some ways it went well. The zucchini did not flower on its own, so I started to mentally cheer it up. Believe it or not, the very next day each of the two plants suddenly had at least ten flower buds, and since then the flower production didn't stop. So now I know that zucchini respond well to my mental imaging, but probably need some refining next year in order to get some female flowers, lol!
But for this season, outside gardening is coming to a conclusion soon. I am debating if I should overwinter the tomato plants in the fridge, or just grow from seeds the next year. Being rather lazy, and knowing how fast things grow with electroculture, I opt for a new beginning. :-) We will see if that comes to fruition with other things, too.
