Ancient Home Remedy for when you have a Cold


This remedy is very easy to make and will help to boost your immune system and therefore recover quickly from cold related ailments. My mum used to make this medicine especially when I was younger. As a kid I would always have a cold. This recipe I'm about to share is super old, it has been past down from generation to generation.

What will you need?

  1. Red onion or shallots (I used a red onion this time, my mum prefers to use shallots)
  2. Honey
  3. A lemon or two
  4. Aloe vera

Most of the ingredients you are most likely to already have laying around in the kitchen or pantry somewhere. After you have gathered all the ingredients you can start making the homemade remedy.


Start with cleaning up the Aloe vera leave to get out the transparent gel part. If you have the time, it is best to cut the aloe vera leave on the bottom and leave it 24 hours so the yellow liquid which tasted very bitter can withdraw. If you really have no time and want to get everything done quickly then just clean up the green leavy part and rinse of the yellow substance with some water.

(The aloe leaking out the yellow substance)

Then take one or two lemons depending on how much juice each lemon contains and or how much of the remedy you are planning to make. Lastly, chop op some onion or shallots. Make sure the pieces are not too small.
(The aloe gel, chopped onions, honey, lemon juice and empty jar)

Find a clean container to bring all the ingredients together. Mix the aloe vera, lemon juice, honey and onions together. Make sure to put in a decent amount of honey (a lot). And tada your medicine is done you should place it inside the fridge and ideally wait until the next day to consume the remedy.

You can take 2 or 3 spoons throughout the day until you feel better. Be careful not to eat the chunks of onion, their healing properties should be inside the liquid mixture.

(The final product 🙂)