Enjoying The Woods After Our Hectic Moving ....Lobau, Vienna

in Natural Medicine4 years ago


The lagoon with its surrounding woods is so serene and I love it! After 3 weeks of hiatus, I am posting my adventure in the nearby Lobau National Park. This is only a portion of the Donau-Auen National Park and it is about a kilometer away from home. With the bike, I reached it in about 8 minutes. There is a bridge used by locals and bikers to get to the other side of the lagoon.


This is an untouched water... when there is heavy rain or after snow has melted the water level could reach up to 2 meters high. This area is called Lobau which is also connected to the Danube River.


Since we moved to a new home, this was my first time to come here and see the area. And it´s really beautiful! One could feel refreshed under the huge tall trees , nice area to meditate, enjoy the forest, the flora and fauna and hear the birds tweeting.



From the not so far away distance, one could hear voices and dogs barking... this is also the area where dog owners walk their doggies. I can feel that the place is good to relax and relieve the stress not only for humans but also animals... These two dogs came down splashing in the water, swam and after they have had fun, they came up again to their owners...afterall it was 35°C.


I went further below the bridge... and I said wow! nature at its best!...I would surely come here more often as it is not far away from home.











Although I stayed less than an hour, I felt the moving stress is gone for a while soon as I was under the trees, I was overwhelmed and rejuvinated by the cool breeze that swept onto my face. I will surely move on to my next adventure because the Park is so huge....

All images were taken and text written by @mers

Until next time.... keep safe everyone!

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

 4 years ago  

Europe is SIZzling in that heat, huh?? Looks like a lovely place to visit, and with those trees, kinda cool as well.

Hi! Yeah.. But we've had bad weather since Spring as if Summer is not here. Always cloudy ang rainy during the months of May to July. August is hot and humid and at the end of thr day, there were thunderstorms and rain in the night. Yeah, cool place and I still have to discover the area.. Thanks for being here. Have a lovely weekend!

Although I stayed less than an hour, I felt the moving stress is gone for a while soon as I was under the trees, I was overwhelmed and rejuvinated by the cool breeze that swept onto my face.

Loved the ZEN feel oozing from this post. ✨
It reminds me of a place in Portugal I visited, when looking for a house, in May 2018.

I remember being in a natural area, underneath a bridge, near a river. Nice memories!

I wish you more summer in August and thank you for sharing this with all of us :<)


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