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RE: Taking Ownership of My Own Nutritional Needs.

in Natural Medicine • 3 years ago

I can actually believe that. I'm sure food is more addictive than religion. 😅

I thought they all could. Digital you can usually switch between metric and imperial and our manual scale has both on it. Not that I usually bother weighing myself these days.


I had to go convert stones to pounds because it is not a thing at all in the US. We use imperial in a lot of ways but most of us wouldn't even know what someone was talking about if they said something weighed "x stone." I only became familiar with it after meeting Brits on the internet, lol.

 3 years ago  

I forgot they just use pounds in the US. I always had to convert to stone to get an idea of what it meant. Australia uses metric much more, so I'm trying to become more familiar with that.

I'm OK with metric in like, distance type measurements? When people say something is x kilometers away or 6 meters tall I can envision that. But weights in metric I absolutely suck at. 😅 No frame of reference at all.

 3 years ago  

I’m terrible with metric when it comes to people's heights...

If people say they are x cm tall, yeah, me too. Meters and yards are close enough for government work that I can understand meters though, lol.