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RE: 'Oils ain't oils'. Part one on making herbal infused oils.

in Natural Medicine5 months ago

Either I'm seeing double or you repeated avocado oil. 😵‍💫

I'm eyeing up Jojoba oil, typical that it's the most expensive one. I generally just use virgin coconut oil for my infusions. Always have oregano on hand. Recently I made some comfrey up, but I'm still not entirely sure oil is the right medium for it.


It's so good, I listed it twice! thanks for the observation. Virgin coconut oil is nice to use and, so good but often beyond the reach of many of the folks I teach. Comfrey oil is great but it seems to work that little bit better as a salve...just add beeswax!

 5 months ago  

I actually did do that the first time I made it. That batch went off, though. Hence why I did it with coconut oil this time as that seems to have a longer shelf life. I don't recall what oil I used for the salve, though. 🤔

Did you use comfrey root or leaves? Fresh or dried?