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RE: A Little Clarification, and a Warm Invitation

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

I'm sure in other places it reads very differently (there's a glorious video online of two women in Wales wearing hijab who are speaking WELSH and this English woman yelled at them to speak English and they were like, "We're in Wales and speaking Welsh, idiot".

To assume...
It makes an ass out of that woman more than anything in this case. A good lesson in that.

Apologies that these are the connotations you get in America from that statement. When the world comes together it becomes harder and harder to not offend someone. It's not easy to find a balance, but maybe we need to come to a point of meeting halfway, where we try not to attack, but also try not to always assume attack. We had this conversation in the discord a while ago when things were lost in translation and two people got upset. Translators aren't perfect, so sometimes we just need to double check. It turned out neither side was trying to say what the other thought they were, but the translators weren't very tactful, because they don't understand nuances.