A crash and a driver with a crazy look - Hive Humor Challenge

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Blessed present Hivers, I want to share with you one of my funny anecdotes that I chose to participate in this Contest of our Community @naturalmedicine:


A crash and a driver with a crazy look

When you live in a city with a fast paced life, by survival instinct you get used to go at their pace to meet the demands, and in the middle of all those races you can get to commit some crazy things. After my divorce my work routine and attention to my children's school and recreational activities had a major breakdown.

I felt like I was on the run all day and didn't even have time to get ready to go out and be on time to the places I needed to be to fulfill our commitments, so I learned to do my makeup, hair and grooming while driving, or rather, while taking advantage of every stop between traffic lights or when I got stuck in a traffic.

I use to drive with shoes without heels, I leave home with my high heels or sandals and when I get in the car I change them for some tennis shoes that I always leave under the seat. One day (as usual) I went out against the clock running with the kids, half dressed and with a lot of things on top of me, I could barely change the shoe on my right foot and ran to school, left the kids and then went to my office. Standing at a traffic light, I started to put on my makeup and fix my hair.

Without realizing it, I let my foot off the brake and lightly hit the car in front of me. The driver of that car got out of the car in a rage and came straight towards me, which was totally understandable, because it is unusual to be hit from behind when everyone is standing still waiting for the green light.

I got very nervous about the situation when I saw the man's face and I ran out of the car to apologize and see if I had caused any damage, without realizing that I had a sandal on one foot, tennis shoes on the other, half of my hair up and the other half combed, and my face was also in the process of being made up.

I can't imagine what must have gone through that man's mind when he saw me, the truth is that he started laughing out loud, he even cried with laughter, he couldn't stop laughing, he looked like a madman, and I in my nervousness and seeing myself with that look I laughed euphorically with him too, it was a very funny moment. The traffic light changed and the cars started to pass by us, nobody understood what was happening, I guess it is also quite funny to see a crash with the drivers laughing as if that event had been the best event of the day.

When we stopped laughing we said goodbye as if we were great friends and everyone went on their way.

After that experience, I never again got dressed up while driving, I go out happily natural and I try to live without rushing even when circumstances push me to go racing. If I need to be made up for some special reason, I simply wait until I get to the parking lot of my place of work and I fix myself before getting out of the car to make sure I don't have an event like that again.



I remembered this anecdote after reading @fragozar01 entry to the @holos-lotus Contest, thanks friend for making me remember this experience.

I hope I made you laugh with my anecdote, and I also encourage you to share an experience in this fabulous contest designed to share wellness between laughter and laughter.

I leave you the link to the contest rules of the communities @naturalmedicine and @holos-lotus, who launched this initiative together:

I invite @chaodietas, @lisfabian and @pavanjr to participate.

See you soon!  




  • Translated with www.DeepL.com.
  • First photo from my personal archive and my exclusive property.
  • 100% original content.
  • Final banner created in Canva.
  • Avatars taken from Bitmoji application.
  • Community banners taken from their respective blogs.

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Imaginó el momento y me da mucha risa una locura entre tantas dentro de la urbe,genial todo haya culminado así, y para ti lección del año.

 3 years ago  

Jajajaja, totalmente. Fue una locura de las mías 😂 que me trajo unos cuantos aprendizajes, como ver el reflejo de esa vida estresada que estaba llevando, afortunadamente pude relajarme y cambiar muchas cosas 😊

Gracias por comentar, un abrazote 🤗

I laughed a lot with this anecdote friend, I can imagine the discomfort when you get out of the car and meet a woman as you describe, it must be confusing and it's good that they took it funny. I have always said how come there are no one-eyed women, with that mania they have of putting on makeup in the car and if I did, I think I would end up with the pencil stuck in my eye in any braking. Greetings, I think I will make an entry to this fun initiative.

 3 years ago  

Hahahaha, it takes a certain level of expertise to accomplish that feat without getting hurt in the attempt, hahahaha. Thanks for commenting and reminding me of this event. I look forward to reading your entry.


A very funny experience!

 3 years ago  

Hahahaha, very crazy! Thanks for your support 🤗


Es toda una experiencia, vaya. ¡Bien por ti por sonreír y por asegurarte de no tener prisa, y de vestirte en un momento y lugar que te convenga a partir de ahora! ¡Gran publicación! 🙏

That is quite the experience, wow. Good for you for smiling on it and for making sure not to rush, and to get dressed up in a time and place that suits you from now on! Great publication! 🙏

 3 years ago  

Fue una experiencia muy cómica y al mismo tiempo, una gran lección de vida. A veces cuando vamos dormidos no nos damos cuenta de que estamos viviendo en piloto automático y la risa suele tener ese efecto de traerte al momento presente.

Un abrazote 🤗

It was a very funny experience and at the same time, a great life lesson. Sometimes when we are asleep we don't realize that we are living on autopilot and laughter often has that effect of bringing you back to the present moment.

A big hug 🤗

Sí, imagino que fueron ambas cosas. Me encanta estar despierta y consciente y la risa definitivamente ayuda a esas cosas. ¡Un gran abrazo para ti también! 🙏

Yes I imagine it was both. I love being awake and aware and laughter definitely helps with those things. A big hug to you as well! 🙏

Que susto, gracias no paso de una sonrisa.

 3 years ago  

Si, gracias a Dios no fue nada grave, de hecho los vehículos no tuvieron ningún daño 🤗

Oh I love it haha. It's a blessing that you had two different shoes. If you didn't make him laugh it could have been bad. Laughter is medicine and it gets you out of trouble haha.

 3 years ago  

Hahahaha, that's right! Saved me from trouble 😅

 3 years ago  

That situation could've gone so much worse. I am glad the other driver saw the humor in the situation.

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Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

 3 years ago  

Totally, I was very lucky 🤗

Hahaha. This incidence is the combo of embarrassment and nervousness resulting in laughter.
I wonder people around you didn't show curiousity why you had been laughing.

 3 years ago  

Hahahaha, totally embarrassing and funny 😂.

I guess they didn't notice the detail of my look up close, although the shoe situation was obvious from a mile away, hahahahaha 😅😂🤣

Greetings, @miriannalis.

It was a fun situation but it could have gotten very serious depending on the other person's character.
We generally don't understand that these are things that happen when we drive.


 3 years ago  

Yes, fortunately the gentleman was able to laugh in the middle of the situation and nothing much happened 🤗