the efficacy of pandan leaves (khasiat daun pandan)

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

do you know what are the properties of pandan leaves, now on this occasion I will share a story about what are the properties of pandan leaves.

  Tahukah anda apa saja khasiat daun 
  pandan, nah pada kesempatan kali ini 
  saya akan berbagi cerita tentang apa saja 
  khasiat daun pandan.


The benefits of pandan leaf boiled water.

   Manfaat air rebus daun pandan

step steps :

  • they relieve fever

People with fever will usually like to drink warm drinks. If you are bored with tea or ginger water, you can try pandan boiled water. This traditional treatment method is believed to help make the body better.

   Orang yang demam biasanya akan suka 
   minum minuman hangat. Jika bosan 
   dengan teh atau air jahe, kamu bisa 
   mencoba air rebusan pandan. Cara 
   pengobatan tradisional ini dipercaya 
   dapat membantu membuat tubuh 
   menjadi lebih baik.
  • Reduces Pain

If you want to reduce pain in the head or joints, drinking boiled pandanus water is believed to be able to overcome the pain. However, don't forget to find out the cause of the pain. The reason is, relieving pain does not mean curing the disease (it can recur at any time).

    Bila Anda ingin mengurangi rasa nyeri di 
    kepala atau persendian, minum air 
    rebusan pandan dipercaya mampu 
    mengatasi rasa sakitnya.Namun, jangan 
    lupa cari tahu penyebab timbulnya rasa 
    nyeri itu, ya. Pasalnya, meredakan rasa 
    nyeri bukan berarti menyembuhkan 
    penyakit tersebut (sewaktu-waktu bisa 
    kambuh lagi).
  • Normalizes Blood Pressure

Do you have headaches due to high blood pressure? Just boil the pandan leaves until the water becomes a little bit. In addition to taking medications recommended by your doctor, you can consume boiled water from pandan leaves to help maintain blood pressure conditions.

    Apakah Anda mengalami sakit kepala 
    karena tekanan darah tinggi? Rebus saja 
    daun pandan tersebut hingga airnya 
    menjadi sedikit. Selain minum obat yang 
    direkomendasikan dokter, Anda bisa 
    mengonsumsi air rebusan dari daun 
    pandan untuk membantu menjaga 
    kondisi tekanan darah.
  • Overcoming Stomach Cramps

Instead of believing that stomach cramps, especially during menstruation, can be relieved by drinking soft drinks, it's better to make pandan leaf tea. Pandan boiled water that is drunk warm can make the stomach condition better.

     Daripada percaya kalau kram perut 
     terutama saat haid bisa diatasi dengan 
     minum minuman bersoda, lebih baik 
    dibuat teh daun pandan. Air rebusan 
    pandan yang diminum hangat bisa 
    membuat kondisi perut lebih baik.
  • Detoxifies the Body

Regarding detox, of course you will not be far from foods or drinks that contain antioxidants. If you are bored with lemon water or green tea, you can try pandan leaves boiled water. The reason is, drinking boiled pandanus water can protect the body's organs, especially the liver from damaging elements (free radicals).

      Soal detoks, tentunya Anda tidak akan 
      jauh dari makanan atau minuman yang 
      mengandung antioksidan. Jika bosan 
     dengan air lemon atau teh hijau, Anda 
     bisa mencoba air rebusan daun pandan. 
     Pasalnya, meminum air rebusan pandan 
    dapat melindungi organ tubuh, terutama 
    hati dari unsur perusak (radikal bebas).
  • Helps Overcome Insomnia

Drinking warm drinks at night can relax your body and make it easier to fall asleep. Pandan leaf boiled water can be an option for those of you who don't really like drinking warm milk because it might be too filling. Smell the aroma, then sip the pandan tea slowly. Surely you will be much calmer and the symptoms of insomnia can be relieved.

      Minum minuman hangat di malam hari 
      dapat merilekskan tubuh dan 
      memudahkan Anda tertidur. Air rebusan 
      daun pandan bisa jadi pilihan buat 
      yang kurang suka minum susu hangat 
     karena mungkin terlalu 
     mengenyangkan. Cium aromanya, lalu 
     sesap teh pandan secara perlahan. 
    Pastinya Anda akan jauh lebih tenang 
   dan gejala insomnia bisa terobati.
  • Increase Appetite

For those of you who want to restore your appetite because after being sick and want to have a more ideal body weight, you can drink pandanus boiled water. Just enough, you don't need too much because it can actually make you bloated.

     Bagi anda yang ingin mengembalikan 
     nafsu makan karena setelah sakit dan 
     ingin memiliki berat badan yang lebih 
     anda dapat meminum air rebusan 
     pandan. Cukup saja, Anda tidak perlu 
     terlalu banyak karena justru bisa 
     membuat Anda kembung.
  • Relieves Rheumatic Pain

Some people apply certain creams when rheumatism recurs. If you want to try something natural, some pandan leaves that are put in a coconut oil stew can also be applied to the affected area. Don't forget to cool it down first, OK!

      Beberapa orang mengoleskan krim 
      tertentu saat rematik kambuh. Jika 
      ingin mencoba sesuatu yang alami, 
      beberapa daun pandan yang 
      dimasukkann ke dalam rebusan minyak 
      kelapa juga bisa dioleskan ke area yang 
      terkena. Jangan lupa untuk didinginkan 
      dulu ya!





If you experience this, you can try friends.

   Jika kalian mengalami hal tersebut 
  dicoba sahabat

Oh I haven't seen Pandan leaves since I left Singapore many years ago. I was in a play with a Malaysian theatre group and on rehearsals, we would be given food that was normally wrapped in Pandan leaves. I didn't realize the many health benefits that they had. This is awesome.
Thank you for sharing.

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you are welcome, brother

I didn't know that Pandan leaves have so much benefits, thanks for listing it in this post. I grew up eating rice cooked with these leaves, my mother uses the leaves to make the rice smells good. ☺️

you are right .. can give fragrance

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