#NaturalMedicine : Cure Clamped Nerves With Turmeric And Other Natural Plants.

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)


How are you all hive lovers, Some days I have had a tough day, I am being hit by a bit of an accident, a few days ago one of my uncles was electrocuted. Then yesterday my brother's father-in-law had to have his leg amputated because of diabetes. Besides that, I also have to take care of my mother and father who are elderly.


As I have told you before, my father had been paralyzed in bed for a long time because of several illnesses. Such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, rheumatism, and pinched nerves.

A few days ago I communicated with a friend and founder of the #naturalmedicine community namely @riverflows, I told him about my father's pinched nerve disease. I think as a founder of the health community, he knows many kinds of traditional medicine for the disease. Of course, he advised me to look for fresh turmeric and ginger to be used as medicine.



Even though I was very busy, I took the time to find fresh turmeric to make medicine. It was raining hard this afternoon, but it didn't matter, I just thought that my father had to get well. As you can see in the photo, the ground is very muddy, I was overwhelmed by it.

Ingredients and serving

@riverflows said that a pinched nerve can be healed naturally, apart from doing massage therapy, it can also be done with herbal ingredients. The ingredients are fresh turmeric, fresh ginger, black pepper and honey.

  • Take fresh turmeric and ginger and cut it into pieces the size of your fingers or something similar.

  • Put it in a saucepan and add a glass or two of water.

  • Add a little black to it.

  • Then boil for about 30 minutes then remove.

  • Filter the water and add a little honey, and the herbs are ready for consumption.

According to him, this is very helpful for pinched nerves. And to my knowledge, turmeric has many benefits. Likewise with ginger and honey. And I just got fresh turmeric this afternoon, tomorrow morning I will look for other ingredients such as ginger, honey and black pepper.




I really hope this herb works well and my father gets well soon. Greetings, all natural medicine lovers.

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. Some of my writings are "Hantu Kojet, Rencong Terakhir", and a collection of poems "Sajak Kekasih". Besides that I am a community founder, such as; FOKUS and KOPI HITAM. This is a community that focuses on the education of minors. I am also part of the humanitarian community, namely BMU, KSL and several other communities. this is a community of young people who care about education and humanity.
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.



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Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io


Kunyit bisa jadi salah satu rempah untuk daya tahan tubuh. Salah seorang terdekat saya biasanya menyajikannya di gelas. Diseduh dengan air panas. Didiamkan beberapa menit, ya agak lama baru kemudian diminum. Kadang dicampur bawang putih juga.

Yang menarik dari rempah ini adalah daya hangatnya. Saya suka dengan nasi goreng kunyit. Ibu saya suka memasak ini. Wanginya enak. Sehabis makan, badan terasa hangat.

Semoga lekas sehat ayahanda 🙏🙏

Terimakasih banyak saudaraku.
Itu sanagt menarik tentang nasi goreng kunyit.
Mungkin anda bisa memberitahu kami tentang cara penyajian itu melalui komunitas natural medicene.
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Hello, it's Lotusindonesia, kami telah memberikan penghargaan secara manual untuk konten asli.

Terimakasih telah berbagi manfaat kunyit untuk kesehatan. Anda juga bisa berbagi tentang makanan sehat, yoga, atau hal lain yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan secara alami.

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Me gustó mucho su publicación, en casa tengo sembrado cúrcuma y jengibre, soy asmática y me ha venido muy bien tomarla, amo la medicina verde, le tengo mucha fe.

Maybe you can comment in English. I do not understand what you are saying friends.

I really liked your publication, at home I have turmeric and ginger planted, I am asthmatic and it has been very good for me to take it, I love green medicine, I have a lot of faith in it.

Thanks, of course. Turmeric and ginger do have many benefits. Turmeric and honey are good for stomach acid disease. Turmeric also gives a youthful effect. In addition, turmeric can be used on injured animals.

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Wow, so much tumeric! I've never seen it fresh before. I hope it helps your father!

I used to get a pinched sciatic nerve all the time when I was younger, and the things that helped me were to put a pillow between my legs so that my legs stayed even while laying on my side with whatever leg was hurting on top. It kinda hurt while doing it, but eventually it took the pressure off and it would release. Also, good supportive shoes help! I used to always wear whatever shoes were cheapest, but then I went to medical assisting school and we had to wear special nursing shoes for our uniform. Suddenly, I wasn't getting a pinched nerve all the time! So now I always buy nice shoes that help. They're more expensive, but they usually last longer too and it's worth it to not have the pain and my legs giving out on me!

Thank you for your advice. maybe I should try my dad. do you mean to put a pillow so that the feet are higher than the body position?

No, in between, like this:

So that when you sleep on your side, your legs are still apart instead of pressed together. It opens up your hips and takes pressure off the sciatic nerve. :)
Make it so that if one leg hurts more or is going out, put that leg on top. If both legs hurt, then you do one side until it releases, then switch over.

It's interesting, it looks like it's hugging a bolster pillow. I would advise my dad to sleep like that. Thank you for your advice.

Hope it helps!
Any pillow works, I just used a regular pillow to do it. I just snagged that photo to show the position, lol.

Hahaha ... This is great. You have complete evidence. Ha ha

 3 years ago  

Oh im flattered you mentioned me. Im no expert, but I do know ginger and turmeric can be helpful for pain!!! I do hope it helps him. That's a HUGE turmeric plant.. I am amazed and envious!!! You are so lucky to have this amazing plant so close and easily accessible. I hope you father feels better soon. There are so many people here in this community who wish to help. I also hope your uncle recovers okay. Love this post! By the way, I'm a she. 😉💚

thank you very much ... i will try to mix the ingredients tomorrow. I have turmeric and ginger plants. my mother planted it next to the house for cooking ingredients. Hope this can work out well.

I know that, but you have the nature of working hard like a man. Ha ha ha... I will say thank you in Indonesian especially for you.

"Terimakasih..." 😁👍🌿❤️

What a wonder you find fresh turmeric!😃 I hope your dad recovers soon

Yes, that's it ... I live in a peasants area. Fresh turmeric here is very easy to find. My mother also grows it for kitchen ingredients. Thank you for your good prayers.

Panen kunyit ya. Kunyit salah satu rempah rempah yang bagus untuk kesehatan. Di tempat saya ,Aceh. Itu kunyet.

Tentu saja, saya juga orang Aceh. Saya tinggal di Aceh utra, dan tempat tinggal saya banyak petani kunyit. Salam....

Bereh, that panyang aju

Hahaha... Nye ka ta mubuet pane et2 bg...😁