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RE: Garden Journal October 2020

Ugh, I miss spring already.

We're having the autumn burst right now. It's so damn hot in the summer that our plants don't grow then. They make a big push in the spring and a big push in the fall before frost. No frost here yet though, that would just be silly. It's only October.

I'll have to come make a post soon. Back at work and killing myself over the house, so I've had little time or drive to post. Probably squeeze one out this weekend though.

Lovely seeing spring soil and things blooming 💚

 4 years ago  

I know right - Spring is the bestest!! And Autumn harvest is cool too, but not the bit in between.. oh actually that's good too, I love the preparation and tidy up as well! I love all the seasons! Yay! For seasons, and for gardening - but not for home DIY - feel ya babe. xxx

Yeah, I feel the same. All the seasons rock lol