Tuesday, March 30, 2021: Little Brown Things

What an excellent morning we had! I called it a day around eleven and got nine hours of sleep. This'll be a short post because I have work and reading to do. I'm reading The Westminster Confession of Faith, brushing up on my apologetics ;)

Chickens be like "what containment system?"

Everything got fed, first the livestock, then the family. We talked and had a morning meeting and then we all got to work in and around the house, each according to the plan. Melissa and the kids cleaned up the yard and put any carbon based trash from the yard and house in the burn pile. Cardboard, loose branches, etc. I cut the rest of the grass in the food forest, made a pad in the pig pen for the pig house and filled in the trench that the fence is sunk into. After that, I cut branches from our larger mulberry trees, anything over 2m tall. I fed the rabbits with the trimmings and took sixteen cuttings to try and root them. Adding rooting hormone to the list.

Updates to the seed starting area

I did start ashwagandha, three or four seeds each in fifteen soil blocks. By last year's metrics, I can reasonably expect one seed per block to grow. If I get that kind of result, I will be rightly ecstatic.

Check out the little brown mushroom I found growing under a peach tree. I decided to harvest it and take a spore print to look into what kind of mushroom it is.

Little brown mushroom

Little brown mushroom

Little brown mushroom

Little brown mushroom

Little brown rabbits

I got a solid peek at the new bunnies and I couldn't be more excited. There appears to be a harlequin bunny or two in there! Ever since I got rabbits, I've wanted harlequin genetics because I find their coloration to be gorgeous. Harlequin rabbits have pretty mottling with all kinds of colors,red, brown, black, white, gray, they're super pretty! I know I saw at least one in there, but it's a great big wiggling pile of bunnies, so it's hard to get a solid pic of them yet. Give it a couple weeks, I'll get a really good pic and a better count.

I'm gonna go get to work.

Love from Texas

Nate 💚


  1. Wood chips to the pig pen.
  2. Pig house.
  3. Harvest stinging nettle roots
  4. Get vodka to tincture pine pollen
  5. Harvest blackberry roots
  6. Look into how to prepare and use stinging nettle and blackberry roots
  7. Dream up and build a pig gate
  8. Build a pig waterer
  9. Start thinking more about the lathe
  10. Run something on the printer. Something. Anything. Just run it.
  11. Rooting hormone.

Did you add starting cuttings to the figures when you were getting canning jars??? :))

Love the photo of the escape artists. :))

I didn't add them to the considerations at all! I should have, and can easily adjust on the fly. We'll be getting two more cases on Friday, bringing us to three unopened cases in storage. Is there a place to order a bull shipment of jars, or is a retail joint the best route besides resale?

I also didn't account for Farmer Sam dropping about a jar a week as he feeds the rabbits... 🧐

Ummm, a coffee can for feeding is standard and doesn't break when dropped....

If it's water, a plant watering can with narrow spout.....

I've always collected mine from tag sales and BuyNothing, so don't know about buying in. I do know this time last year many types could not be had for love or money...

It's still kinda that way. It seems they've been short on stock of all canning supplies for over a year now. The wide mouth quarts we bought last week were the first I've seen in that time.