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RE: Women’s Menstrual Cycle: The Luteal Phase

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Curated for #naturalmedicine by @drrune.

I've been studying and expanding the connection with my feminine side for years, and I'm always open to understanding more about these topics, so I'm glad you saw fit to share this knowledge with the community. I believe that, if more men became aware of these cycles, we'd gradually leave behind many harmful behaviors and start living in a more open, kind and emotionally balanced society. Blessings to you!

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Thank you so much :) I agree completely, That ballance is essential and has been lacking in our society for a long time I think. Nature is so cyclical as well and I think part of that lack of awareness is related to our disconnection with the natural world. I think relearning that part of our humanity will be essential to moving forward from where we are.