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RE: Why @creativetruth Loves Growing Nicotania (Tobacco) [Gardening]

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

I'm writing from South America!

Born in Venezuela, but living in Colombia at the moment, I've connected and currently walk with indigenous ancestral medicines specially the Yopo from the Hüottüja Community in the Venezuelan Amazon rainforest. But having shared many encounters and medicines from different tribes with different ancestral medicines such as Ayahuasca or Peyote - from the Native Americans and Mexicas - I've learned that Tobacco is only one plant that is repeated and used in each and every tribe from all over the world - America, ancient Europe, Australia, Asia and so more -.

From Shaman (actually Menhërua and Yuwawaruwa - owner of the chants and of the (tabacco) blow -) Rufino Pónare from the Hüottüja people I learned the tradition of Tobacco as the medicine for the right verb. It means that when you, for example, are angry and having a discussion or fight with another person, you smoke in a ritual way and ask for Grandfather Tobacco to guide your words. To not say things mainly to hurt the other or to "win" the fight but to truly listen to what the other have to say and find a solution together. We need to be responsible for the words we say as we cannot ever take them back. They could be our greatest tool or our most destructive weapon.

I use it to change my verb (way of talking) from a negative way to a positive way as we create the life we're living with our thoughts, words and actions, so regularly be saying words from anger, from sadness, from resentment and talking about my dreams and goals as they're really far away, I'm not helping myself at all.