
Wow... what a coincidence. It's a technique which keeps things interesting and shocks the system into responding positively in new ways😎

Recently, I've gone back to using the three compound movements (deadlift, squat & bench-press) as the base for my training. I concentrate on at least one of these three BIG lifts, adding anything else as I see fit, per workout.

I've also increased my cardio, from 2-3 days, to 3-4 days per week.

It's been working well for me, after a long time of being stagnant. Both my strength level and stamina is on the increase, once again.

I've been doing full body workouts the last 2-3 months - consisting primarily of trapbar deadlits, bench, military press, rows, farmers walk, and curls. I like to think of them as NFL linebacker style workouts. Trying to focus on building whole body strength each workout rather than trying to develop any muscle in particular. Enjoying it and I've gained 8 pounds.

Great to know that guessing exercises game helped you to train in getting your results.

Hi @ninjamike ... Eight pounds of muscle in only two or three months is exceptional, so you might as well keep doing what you're doing😎 in the way you're doing it...

I'm not much focused on symmetry either, these days. Fortunate for me, that always came along well enough naturally, as long as I didn't let myself get too fat (which I never did)

I never said it was all muscle. But I do believe it was mostly muscle because I've kept my diet the same and just added some extra protein.

Great that you found it :) and good luck teaching other who knows only biceps curls ;)

Good luck to people who do curls in the squat rack ;)