Try to Make Juice Pineapple and Watermelon, It's So Good Taste

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)
It's already the rainy season, but I feel that Jakarta's weather doesn't have a rainy season. Even though it's raining, I feel that Jakarta is still hot and stifling. Well, the fruit that fits the atmosphere of Jakarta seems to be just a watermelon. Yes, watermelon is always refreshing. This fruit is one of the fruits that grow at dawn in Indonesia. if you don't know it, this fruit comes from South Africa. Now these fruits can be found all over the world with several variants.

This fruit is not only red, but there is a yellow fruit. Most also have green skin. However, now with the technology available, this fruit has undergone many changes. Currently, there are seedless watermelons. This fruit has a green skin.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Usually the skin of this fruit, I use as a mask. Masks from watermelon skin are useful for removing acne scars. You just need to grate the skin of this fruit, then you can put it on your face. You only need three days to use this mask after that, the acne scars on the face can disappear. Apart from acne, you can use this mask to remove scars on your body.

This is the traditional way in my family. I got this method from my mother. My mother got this method from my grandmother. Even though I have a lot of skincare to get rid of acne scars, the watermelon skin mask is the most effective mask to get rid of acne. In addition to masks, other benefits. Before I explain the benefits of watermelon, I want to tell you if I made watermelon pineapple juice, some time ago.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

This is my first time making this juice. I was worried that this juice would taste bad. But, after I tried, this juice has a very good taste. I tried juice a week. So, I tried to write this juice so you can try it at home. I made this juice using three ingredients, namely pineapple, watermelon and lemon. I get the fresh taste of lemon and pineapple. And the sweet taste of watermelon. Everything is perfect for the mix.

How? Are you going to try it? If you are worried about trying it, I will share the benefits of watermelon. Apparently, watermelon has a lot of benefits for our bodies. One of them by relying on blood sugar. For those of you who suffer from blood sugar disease, you can eat this fruit, even this fruit can be a light snack for those of you who have diabetes. This fruit can eliminate hunger and also reduce appetite


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

I know, if you have diabetes you should not consume a lot of sugar. One of the most recommended foods is watermelon. The sugar contained in this fruit is quite low. In fact, this fruit has potassium and magnesium which can help you increase insulin in your body. This can contribute to lowering blood sugar. Then, what are the benefits of watermelon for the body?

One of the benefits of the watermelon is a relief of muscle pain. Usually muscle pain can also be felt after you exercise. In a journal that says abaca, watermelon juice helps calm the muscles after sports. Usually the jocks will drink a watermelon juice as much as 473 milliliters before the sport.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

It is done to prevent muscle pain. In addition, if you drink watermelon juice regularly, your heart rate will be more stable every day. According to the journals I read, watermelon has citrulline. This compound can also treat muscle pain. Are you interested in drinking this regular juice?


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah



Picture by Nurdiani Latifah



Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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it's look so delicious

asli enak, nyesel baru nyobain sekarang

Hi blender portabel.

hahaha tertarik kah?

Gara gara kamu, @nnurdiani , aku pekengen juicer kek gitu dooong. Adik banget kayaknya.

aku ini beli ketiga kali dengan merek yang berbeda. yng pertama tahun kemarin, aku agak jorok makenya. yang kedua, rusak gak tau kenapa. belum dibenerin. ini yang ketiga. murah sih dibawah 100 ribu, tapi kalau mau awet yang 150 - 200 ribu. itu lebih kuat buat blender jahe atau wortel. blenderku gak bisa blender yang keras.

Spill merek, Nur.

kalau yang aku pake sekarang ecentio. blender jahe bisa 3-4 kali blender

Oke terimakasih