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RE: 🕊 ecoTrain & NaturalMedicine Presents..."What Would A Holistic Doctor Say?" Ask Dr Mathew Joseph any medical or health related question and learn how Natural Medicine works in practice!

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

First, thank you so much for doing this! A wonderful initiative I wish as many people as possible will see.
My question is a rather general one, yet unfortunately quite polarising, and I would appreciate getting you opinion.

My question is pertaining to vaccines.
Namely, do you have a definitive clear cut answer as to for or against? Does age play any part, or is there no danger in early exposure? And if there is no definitive answer, what vaccine would you recommend as necessary? And which have natural alternatives?
Thank you so much for your time and good work.


It's probably best to clarify the question here ...i think what you're mainly enquiring about [for or against] is the immunization schedule in public health systems. Vaccines can be incredibly useful and in many instances life saving. Anti-rabies vaccination for example...I would urge anyone at risk [either pre-or post- exposure] not to decline it's use. Pneumococcal vaccine in susceptible individuals such as those who have undergone splenectomy . There are more such instances. So vaccines themselves can without a doubt be very useful. Yes they have additives etc that can be toxic but in situations such as those I have mentioned, it is indisputable that the benefits far outweigh the risks. There is valid debate however about the benefit / risk ratio in the general population with regard to current childhood immunization schedules. Early childhood susceptibility to neurological damage from vaccines is a valid concern. I feel that ultimately this should be an informed decision taken by every family after they have educated themselves to the extent possible and considered their individual circumstances. Easier said than done, given there is considerable misleading information on both sides. It takes effort to sift the wheat from the chaff. Many find the process beyond them and finally rely on their "gut feeling".
Vaccines have a certain specificity that generic immune boosting supplements don't have and so to compare them would be a case of comparing apples and oranges in a sense. However homoeopathic preparations for this purpose are intended to have specificity. Many people choose a homoeopathic approach such as that of Isaac Golden. More research and extensive study of these methods will hopefully be forthcoming over the next few years.