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RE: The Interview: Identifying Triggers and How To Cope With Them

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

How horrible that bad experience must have been, I can imagine the anxiety this caused you and it is uncomfortable to go through that situation. I think of something, you were so focused on the interview, that you were not aware that your physical body needed to speed up from that anxiety you accumulated before the interview. There are silent anxieties, they come without warning, and suddenly trigger. And you are left wondering what happened.

The tips you gave are good, I have practiced it a lot, about meditation with music has been the one that has worked for me when I need to calm down. Music to my liking, no ambient sound or anything like that. Even listening to Heavy Metal music relaxes me hahaha... Conscious breathing and then letting off steam with art, in this case it was the guitar, in my case the lyrics. When I write I feel better, it makes me flow better, it's as if I charge my internal batteries.

Thank you for sharing this experience with us Nat, as well as giving these tips that can help anyone who needs it. Te quiero amiga guapa. :D ♥


It was a stressful experience. It wasn't so much a one off event but lots of things that chipped away at my soul, affecting my confidence.

Yes I hadn't even considered silent anxieties. I shall be mindful of this. Thank you for highlighting it.
And yes I agree, you feel it with music, doesn t matter what type it is if it feels good when listening it means it is resonating.

Thank you for you lovely comment Johnny. I love you too, beautiful friend 🤗💚