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RE: A Little Clarification, and a Warm Invitation

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

From someone who hates using the translator to publish, comment and curate, I tell you, thank you very much!! this is what we want, more communities and more options, plus we all win here, both the author and the curator. I think it's a good idea. Very necessary. :D

De alguien que odia usar el traductor para publicar, comentar y curar, te digo, ¡muchas gracias!! esto es lo que queremos, más comunidades y más opciones, además aquí ganamos todos, tanto el autor como el curador. Creo que es una buena idea. Muy necesaria.

 3 years ago  

Brilliant to hear this confirmation from a Spanish curator, @pavanjr, and thanks for being part of the decision making team and being so amazing as a curator across communities AND curating for OCD!

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much queen, for your nice words, as always, you are a lovely person. We do what we can and I am happy to continue learning here. I Lov you :D