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RE: My search for Health: first results after a rough start

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Oh yeah :) It´s cool to say "sleep is overrated" these days but in fact, it´s the very opposite - sleep is underrated. It´s absolutely crucial to our well-being both physical and mental. I think I have already figured what affects my sleep in what way and I have made a lot progress lately thanks to it ;)

Keep up the momentum Rosa. It would be great to have regular updates from you but don´t worry about it too much ;) We will be here for you whenever you show up again :D


Yeah, there's a lot of applause for 'tough talk', like 'I will sleep when I'm old' or 'No time for a break', but I just shake my head at it. Self-care first :D Had to learn that too though,

Glad to hear you're on the right track for your sleep! Maybe write a post about it as well ;-) I will not worry about my writing indeed - I plan to write the more technical part in Dutch first because that is easier, and maybe then write an adapted version in English as well. Personal updates will be more frequent though :-) Cheers!