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RE: Why Real Men Eat Their Vegetables πŸŒπŸ†πŸ₯’πŸ₯•

in Natural Medicine β€’ 4 years ago

Haha, I figured a few people would get a giggle out of this one. A lot of angles I could have taken, but this topic was just begging for a little bit of cucumber humor. Though all joking aside, it is really quite concerning those numbers are so high. I hope many men think a little more about diet before the pills if they're having that issue.

Really it comes down to eating a variety of things from the ground and not overindulging on any one thing, right? I think we tend to make it too hard and over-science things when it's really not that complicated.

And cheers to firm carrots! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Oh ladies you are too funny!

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

A good laugh does wonders for the soul, doesn't it? πŸ˜‰