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RE: Another Month of Fun in the Garden {Early August 2021}

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Hey Jerry. Yep, the boyfriend uses whatever scraps from the yard he can find for trellises. Often sticks like these. The funny thing is one of the sticks is sprouting new growth now, haha! We try to rotate what we plant in each bed year to year, anyway, so he'd have to erect different structures a lot of the time anyway. Though the big thing deteriorating right now is the bed where the squash is. He just used old wood with no barrier, so the bugs have had a field day breaking it down. Another project for him for the fall...


I should get busy then, 'cause I got a patch of woods back there full of dead fall.
HOWEVER, digging in this rock hard dirt to be able to put sticks and/or limbs down would be nigh impossible.
I've used a few metal fence stakes, but for the most part my tomato cages etc are just standing in place.