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RE: Little experiment to grow pumpkins in rainy and windy climate | Pequeño experimento para cultivar zapallos en clima lluvioso y con viento

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Interesting! I hope your experiment works!
I have trouble with the short growing seasons here also it stays cool for so long and the pumpkins will not form female flowers until the temperature is warmer this makes it so most seasons the pumpkins don't have enough time to grow very big. I also have trouble with getting enough sunlight to them living in the forest and them taking so much room to grow.
I like seeing your experiments and hope you keep sharing them!
Here's to a wonderful and abundant growing season!

 3 years ago  

I would actually be happy with a few small pumpkins, to get seeds from and see if one could get a variety more adapted to this weather. It seems you’re in a way colder weather. Have you tried with other squashes? Maybe small varieties can still make it in cold weathers...

Thanks for your support @porters 🌱

 3 years ago  

I'm accustom to using techniques for over coming the challenges of a cool, short growing season and choose varieties that are adapted for shorter seasons. I start my squash indoors to get a jump on the season and have grown some in covered gardens but then they need to be pollinated.
I have come to accept that I'll plant things with the chance that we'll have good weather and I'll get a harvest and if we don't I don't get much of a harvest but I no longer get upset about that for there is always next year and each year is different.

 3 years ago  

I love your approach, no sweat if it doesn't work one year... plenty more to feast on 😊